Python Resources

Updated on Aug 4 2024

Python Resources

Deborah R. Fowler

Resources for Python

Updated on July 18  2014
Updated on January 5  2025

If you are new to programming see Introduction to Programming

To install:

IDLE - is one of the easiest ways in interface with python. It comes installed with python on Windows. On my linux laptop I "yum installed" by using the following command

        yum install python3-tools

Sites: The best starting places for learning Python are:

Also recommended are
For a brief introduction to OOP:

In addition Professor Malcolm Kesson has information on Python at
Kenneth Huff has extensive references and some wonderful gems on his site including:


Online: The two listed at the top of this page.

Others that are excellent:
Two textbooks are geared toward game students, but are good introductions:
The first book listed is written by the same author that has written an excellent textbook for C++ ( previously used in ITGM 315).

Two books that are interesting when using Python in other contexts (may be available at Safari Books Online) are: