Houdini Resources

Updated on June 26  2024

Candy Corn Scissor Stretches

Deborah R. Fowler

Candy Corn Scissor Stretches

Posted June 22  2023

keywords: sin, asin, wrangle, vex, iteration, detail function

Created in Houdini 19.5.303 LC and rendered in Karma-cpu

Also on youtube at https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Pm7fmnr9QMk

Using Karma as a render (cpu) as some of my frames were taking 51 minutes a frame in Mantra vs 15 in Karma-cpu. I was not getting the results I wanted out of Redshift on this particular piece, so I thought I'd give Karma another go. Since I had set it up in mantra I wanted a quick solution and Karma-gpu did not respect the rounding of corners in the shader, but cpu did.

I was able to quickly set this up by using the sop import scene and rendering via Karma with the original Mantra principled shader.

Quick note - Karma motion blur and depth of field are on by default so you may want to turn them off (also, there is no Zdepth - I tried Z as well as depth but those did not work properly in Houdini's compositing network - normally I use Zdepth from either Mantra or Redshift without issue.)