Houdini Resources

Updated on June 26  2024


Deborah R. Fowler


Posted July 3  2021

keywords: kineFX

Inspired by a colleague's description of work being "like an onion and you peel back the layers" - this applies to ourselves as well. We reveal layers to our friends, our colleagues, our family. Thinking about this I started exploring the idea of layering an effect I'd used previously. I don't like onions but I do like the complexity of the mind and of our personas.

Similar to my previous work with this technique this piece was inspired by the following tutorial on kineFX - polyfolding at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ1nzo3AuGU Model of me by Texel Scan at SIGGRAPH Asia 2016.

Also on youtube at https://youtu.be/hNahHfxftcw